Please note you will have online access to complete your course for 14 days only from the date of your enrolment. Once completed you will receive your certificate via email. Upon completion or after this 14 day period, you will no longer have access to the modules.
Course Content
Unit 1: Introduction to Fire Safety
- Reasons to manage fire safety
- Fire safety legislation
- Common causes of fire
- Chemistry of fire
- Classes of fires
Unit 2: Fire Safety Arrangements
- Fire detection and warning systems
- Emergency routes and exits
- Fire extinguishers
- Employee training
- Good housekeeping
Unit 3: Evacuation Procedures
- The role of the fire warden
- Actions to take in the event of fire
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
- Duties of the employer
- Duties of the employee
On completion of the course students are required to complete an end of course Quiz, consisting of 20 multiple choice style questions. You will have 2 attempts to complete the Quiz, and must achieve 80% in this assessment in order to achieve your certification.
- Identify the legislation relating to fire in the workplace
- Explain the chemistry of fire
- List the various classes of fires and types of fire extinguishers
- Outline the importance of emergency routes, fire exits and emergency lighting
- Recognise how good housekeeping can reduce the risk of fire
- Discuss the requirements for employee training
- Describe the role of the fire warden
- State the actions to be taken in the event of fire
- Outline the duties of the employer and the employee
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SmartPal Fire Safety Awareness
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